4 protective measures to deal with COVID-19
Faced with the spread of new coronavirus pneumonia worldwide, as a modern person with independent thinking ability, we must not believe the rumors and keep our heads clear to overcome the global impact of this epidemic. Learn more about the new coronavirus, and your anxiety is less intense.
1. What is the new coronavirus?
Coronaviruses are a large class of viruses that can cause a variety of diseases, from the common cold to severe lung infections, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome and severe acute respiratory syndrome. The new coronavirus is a new strain that has not been previously discovered in humans.
2. What are the symptoms after coronavirus infection?
Symptoms vary depending on the virus. Common symptoms include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. Studies have also shown that there will be taste disorders. In more severe cases, the infection may cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, or even death.
3. Can coronavirus spread from person to person?
Yes, the possibility of coronavirus transmission from person to person is usually achieved only after close contact with infected patients, such as in homes, workplaces, or medical centers. It has been confirmed that this 2019-nCoV person-to-person communication may be limited. For this new coronavirus, further research is needed, so all current work is focused on prevention. When you go to public places, remember to wear masks, do not get close to people, eat less poultry, and wash your hands frequently.
4. How to protect yourself?
If you want to go to a public place, you must wear a mask. If you find that the store does not have enough protective measures, you must be careful.
Businesses that have officially resumed work must abide by the guidelines for resumption of work, take body temperature measurements before entering the store, and clean their hands with no-clean hand soap.
The guest\'s contact information must also be recorded. Once unfortunately infected, relevant contacts should be quarantined.